Tissue_Type Upper_limit (GHz, 5MHz step, up to 4.5GHz, N/A means the tissue can not be matched within 10% error) Air N/A Aorta 0.74 Bladder N/A Blood 3.255 BloodVessel 0.74 BodyFluid 3.81 BoneCancellous N/A BoneCortical N/A BoneMarrow N/A BrainGreyMatter 1.26 BrainWhiteMatter 0.615 BreastFat N/A Cartilage 0.86 Cerebellum 1.63 CerebroSpinalFluid 4.5 Cervix 1.17 Colon 1.89 Cornea 2.32 Duodenum 2.765 Dura 1.12 EyeSclera 1.845 Fat N/A GallBladder 2.18 GallBladderBile N/A Gland 1.92 Heart 2.395 Kidney 2.54 Lens 0.88 Liver 0.975 LungDeflated 1.05 LungInflated N/A Lymph 1.92 MucousMembrane 0.955 Muscle 1.345 Nail N/A Nerve N/A Oesophagus 2.765 Ovary 1.865 Pancreas 1.92 Prostate 2.37 Retina 1.845 SkinDry 1 SkinWet 0.955 SmallIntestine 3.32 SpinalCord N/A Spleen 2.24 Stomach 2.765 Tendon 0.755 Testis 2.37 Thymus 1.92 Thyroid 1.92 Tongue 1.37 Tooth N/A Trachea 0.86 Uterus 2.55 Vaccum N/A VitreousHumor 3.77